Overseas properties to live in / rent out or run hospitality business
Hotels and Resorts Apartments

We help select and buy residential apartments for investment and renting out. The owner can live in it permanently or use it occasionally, renting it out for the rest of the time. You can buy several apartments at one place and run a hospitality business based on these properties. We can also help select construction projects from builders that would be most attractive in terms of investment.

Villas and Houses

We select villas and houses in popular vacation regions that can be operated as Bed & Breakfasts. This type of accommodation is very popular in tourist zones. Such properties are most suitable for those who want to have a place for living and a source of income at the same time. You can rent out extra rooms in the house and provide breakfasts to your guests.


We offer a complete range of services, including selecting a region, helping find the suitable property, arranging the purchase transaction, assisting with establishing and developing the hospitality and recreational business. We provide our services in stages, based on the clients' needs and plans. All preliminary consultations and work with clients, before signing a contract, are free.

Hotels and Resorts Resorts, Tourist Lodges and Cabins

We work with small resorts that are usually located in picturesque places and are popular as tourist destinations. We select properties that have good potentials for further improving, increasing profitability and return of investment. We help re-organize and develop such properties, and expand the variety of services.


We focus on working with small farms specializing on growing and processing of unconventional produce. We help converting such farms into centers for ecological tourism. This can include vineries, fruit farms, lavender farms, herbs growing farms, coffee plantations, horse farms and exotic animal farms. In addition to farming, such properties can offer accommodation services in the form of Bed & Breakfast.

Recreational Centers

We provide help in selecting, purchasing and organizing recreational centers that would be focusing on certain types of sports and activities, and offering hospitality services at the same time. Usually such recreational centers are based at resorts or lodges that specialize in serving enthusiasts in particular activities, such as diving, surfing, hiking, rafting, archery, yoga, etc. This can also include healing centers and wellness retreats.